
Showing posts from January, 2022

Avoid These Sentences to be a Better Conversationalist

Talking with friends in Ishigaki, September 2021 Welcome to 2022! I am excited to do more yoga, surfing and exciting projects at work this year. On the note of self-improvement, I want to be a better conversationalist by saying and not saying a few things that I will write about in this post. These are the lessons I learnt from the observations of people's reactions, reflections of my own reactions and countless emotional fallouts due to mis-communication that stemmed from the inappropriate use of language. One of my biggest pitfalls had been that when I said something that was not accurate to what I intended, and even after I learnt that, I sometimes would still think that the conversation partner should have understood my intention. There are many reasons why I would think so. The common ones are: come on, no one would be that dumb to think like this, of course I meant that; you should know Michelle by now that she would not think like that. There should be a balance of an assump