I, Too, Procrastinate

For the longest time, I thought I don’t procrastinate. Among all the traits that people typically associate with procrastination, I have none of them. I’m excited to get out of the bed on a sunny day. I make and execute the plans I make for both work and leisure. I am physically active. I keep my living space organized and clean. I don’t hesitate to go to any kinds of doctors. When problems come, solve them. I abide that. Sounds like the opposite of procrastination, right? But what is procrastination, really? Procrastination is the inability to take actions in a timely manner that the rational mind clearly knows that the actions will bring benefits that outweigh the (usually painful) efforts required. However, I realized that I probably just don’t dislike most of the things that other people procrastinate to do. Listening to podcasts while cleaning isn’t so bad. I much prefer moving my body around in any ways than just sitting around. Going out and doing stuff (honestly anything) ...